Open Loft

OpenLoft … is a place for everybody who wants to sing, dance, read some poetry, perform some art, do some stand up comedy or whatever she or he always wanted to do in front of an open minded, nonjudgemental audience. Each participant gets 10 minutes of stage time (or 2 songs). There will also be […]

Open Loft

OpenLoft … is a place for everybody who wants to sing, dance, read some poetry, perform some art, do some stand up comedy or whatever she or he always wanted to do in front of an open minded, nonjudgemental audience. Each participant gets 10 minutes of stage time (or 2 songs). There will also be […]

Mainstage by WIENXTRA Soundbase

28.09. mainstage by wienxtra soundbase

Die WIENXTRA Soundbase ist bekannt für ihre offenen Bühnen wie dem Acousticclub und der HEAST! Hip Hop Open Stage. Heuer veranstaltet sie zum zweiten Mal die Mainstage – eine offene Bühne für Bands. Am 28.9 haben 5 Bands im Alter zwischen 16 und 26 Jahren 20 Minuten Zeit auf der Bühne. Genre egal!

Open Loft

OpenLoft … is a place for everybody who wants to sing, dance, read some poetry, perform some art, do some stand up comedy or whatever she or he always wanted to do in front of an open minded, nonjudgemental audience. Each participant gets 10 minutes of stage time (or 2 songs). There will also be […]

Open Loft

OpenLoft … is a place for everybody who wants to sing, dance, read some poetry, perform some art, do some stand up comedy or whatever she or he always wanted to do in front of an open minded, nonjudgemental audience. Each participant gets 10 minutes of stage time (or 2 songs). There will also be […]

Open Loft

OpenLoft … is a place for everybody who wants to sing, dance, read some poetry, perform some art, do some stand up comedy or whatever she or he always wanted to do in front of an open minded, nonjudgemental audience. Each participant gets 10 minutes of stage time (or 2 songs). There will also be […]

Open Loft

OpenLoft … is a place for everybody who wants to sing, dance, read some poetry, perform some art, do some stand up comedy or whatever she or he always wanted to do in front of an open minded, nonjudgemental audience. Each participant gets 10 minutes of stage time (or 2 songs). There will also be […]

Open Loft

OpenLoft … is a place for everybody who wants to sing, dance, read some poetry, perform some art, do some stand up comedy or whatever she or he always wanted to do in front of an open minded, nonjudgemental audience. Each participant gets 10 minutes of stage time (or 2 songs). There will also be […]

Open Loft

OpenLoft … is a place for everybody who wants to sing, dance, read some poetry, perform some art, do some stand up comedy or whatever she or he always wanted to do in front of an open minded, nonjudgemental audience. Each participant gets 10 minutes of stage time (or 2 songs). There will also be […]

Open Loft

OpenLoft … is a place for everybody who wants to sing, dance, read some poetry, perform some art, do some stand up comedy or whatever she or he always wanted to do in front of an open minded, nonjudgemental audience. Each participant gets 10 minutes of stage time (or 2 songs). There will also be […]