Trance Alpine

Trance Alpine

Fr. 13.9.2024
23:00, Eintritt: VVK: € 10-13 / AK: € 15,
Lineup: Oben: Andrew Ahmed, Aschenbrenner, Alexis Hera | Unten: ATNIL B2B Mad Mäx, Blame The Booker B2B The Jakob Sister, Palliativ B2B Neovex

Trance Alpine

Fr.. 13.9.2024
23:00, Eintritt: VVK: € 10-13 / AK: € 15,
Lineup: Oben: Andrew Ahmed, Aschenbrenner, Alexis Hera | Unten: ATNIL B2B Mad Mäx, Blame The Booker B2B The Jakob Sister, Palliativ B2B Neovex

23:00-00:30: Andrew Ahmed (BassBussi)
00:30-02:00: Aschenbrenner (Nexus)
02:00-03:30: Alexis Hera
00:30 – 02:30: ATNIL B2B Mad Mäx (Trance Alpine)
02:30 – 04:30: Blame The Booker B2B The Jakob Sister (Sachsentrance)
04:30 – 06:00: Neovex (Teufelswerk) B2B Palliativ (Trance Alpine)

Trance Alpine will be celebrating their Vienna debut at The Loft on the 13th of September! The collective put together an unforgettable line-up with artists from Sachsentrance, Nexus, BassBussi, and Teufelswerk, who will deliver epic beats and euphoria on two different floors. Join us for a night of hard groove, (hard) techno, and (hard) trance with unparalleled vibes and memories that will last a lifetime!

Trance Alpine stands for open and unprejudiced trance parties with colorful and euphoric vibes. Together we want to create a “safer space” with a peaceful and mindful coexistence. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination and we care for each other to create an atmosphere of respect and freedom.
To prevent abusive and discriminatory behavior, we have an awareness team on site, recognizable by the fairy lights around their bodies.

Despite the awareness team, please watch out for each other!
We can’t wait to celebrate with you all – see you soon 💫


Weitere Infos
13.09. trance alpine 00 plakatfinal

Trance Alpine

Fr. 13.09.2024
23:00, Eintritt: VVK: € 10-13 / AK: € 15
Oben: Andrew Ahmed, Aschenbrenner, Alexis Hera | Unten: ATNIL B2B Mad Mäx, Blame The Booker B2B The Jakob Sister, Palliativ B2B Neovex

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