What about later?

What about later?

Fr. 17.11.2023
21:00, Eintritt: € 10/12,
Lineup: Wohnzimmer: DJ ÆLoisie, DJ Hill, Flœr, Yan Fragnon Unten: Vanessa Sa, Enduro XS, Wereddafox, CED

What about later?

Fr.. 17.11.2023
21:00, Eintritt: € 10/12,
Lineup: Wohnzimmer: DJ ÆLoisie, DJ Hill, Flœr, Yan Fragnon Unten: Vanessa Sa, Enduro XS, Wereddafox, CED

about later – Verein zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen Subkultur
Our common goal is to use event and art projects to draw attention to current environmental problems, discriminatory spaces in the club context and resource-intensive event management, to point out ecological and socio-political alternatives and to take joint action against human-made climate change.
The carbon emissons from this event will be counterbalanced through compensation programs.

23:00 – 00:30 DJ ÆLoisie (SINUS | physical)
00:30 – 02:00 DJ Hill (downhill baby!)
02:00 – 03:30 Flœr (SUPERSTATE)
03:30 – 05:00 Yan Fragnon (Jux & Tollerei | about later)

00:00 – 01:30 Vanessa Sa (soundlabs)
01:30 – 03:00 Enduro XS (Frieden & Liebe | about later)
03:00 – 04:30 Wereddafox (ROSA COWBOY KARL)
04:30 – 06:00 CED (Black Market | LBMSK)

Mindestspende: 10€<<<00:00<<<12€

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What about later?

Fr. 17.11.2023
21:00, Eintritt: € 10/12
Wohnzimmer: DJ ÆLoisie, DJ Hill, Flœr, Yan Fragnon Unten: Vanessa Sa, Enduro XS, Wereddafox, CED

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